Demining Malanje
An interesting demining project
Officially MgM started the demining project in Malanje in May 2012, but problems with certification with the Provincial Authorities meant that work "on the ground" didn't actually start until the beginning of December 2012. This Project was due to last 18 months, but to allow MgM to meet deadlines, the project was extended to 25 months, with a no-cost extension by the donor. This allowed MgM to conclude the contract with the European Union, with 100% of allocated demining tasks completed.
Read the final report about Malanje demining operations
Pasqual Domingos, Field Team Supervisor, gives a briefing of the demining activities carried out around Kalandula
Funding Requirements
Now that the perceived threats have been removed from around Kalandula, and Kiwaba Nzoji, life should return to normal. However, there remains concern about the possibility of mines being in, or under, a large bund wall along the western side of the Kiambata 2 and northern side of Kiwaba Nzoji 1 minefields.
This land has just been demined, already local people are preparing adobe blocks for construction of new homes at Kiambata 2 minefield, Kalandula. The threat remains as there may be more anti-tank mines buried in wall of soil.